Tuesday, 5 July 2011

Spot the Ninja 1

I recently read this book:

and now I am a Ninja Expert. While I'm putting together my Ninja Consultancy business plan, here's the first in my Spot the Ninja quiz.

Look at the following two pictures and, using your skill and judgement, try to determine the precise location of the ninja.  Scroll down for the answer, but no peeking until you've decided where the ninja is!
Have you decided yet?  Okay. Here goes. The ninja is ... the lady feeding a dog. The chimpanzee is not a ninja. I put her there to distract you. Ninjas often use distractions to slip past unnoticed.

Why is she a ninja? A ninja will feed a target's guard dog in order to win the animal's trust and affection. Then the ninja can return at night without fear of the dog barking at them.

So remember: if you see somebody feeding a dog, they might just be a ninja.

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